Monday, November 22, 2010

Way Too Long!!

I have to apologize for not keeping my blog updated. There is no excuse and it doesn't mean that we haven't had exciting events in our lives. It is really difficult to know where to begin when I haven't blogged for so long but I might as well start with our butterfly teenager princess Kourtney!!


On September 20th, Kourtney became a teenager! She celebrated with 10 friends at Boston Pizza and then our house for a movie and a birthday cake. Unfortunately after that day life went downhill for her. She went to Children's Hospital for an iron infusion; 4 pokes for an IV and no success! We both ended up in tears and I honestly think the poor doctor was going to sign me up for the loonie bin. You have to understand that being on an antidepressant has suppressed my emotions (especially the tears), so when I do cry the heavens open and the tears are like Niagara Falls (it actually feels kind of good when it happens as it is such a release for me). Enough about me...back to Kourtney!!

After that ordeal Kourtney was not quite herself. She was sinking back into her depression. Her adjustment to grade 8 was rough as she dealt with her labile emotions and the labile emotions of every other teenage girl in her class. There were many mom and daughter pep talks during that time and my heart ached for her. She ended up getting a cold that played havoc on her skin and I became worried that without necessary iron in her body that she could get sick again. I booked another iron appointment but cancelled to go be with my family in Saskatchewan (my dad had a heart attack and was needing bypass surgery ( I will share more later).

I was in Saskatchewan for 5 days and came home to a dejected 13 year old girl; her cold still lingering and her skin breaking down. We ended up getting in fast for an iron infusion and committed the IV to God. We prayed that the right nurse would be given to us and the IV would go in on the first try, and it did. Kourtney cried tears of joy when the nurse smiled at her and said, "It is in." We had other nurses peering through the window that all cheered when I gave them the thumbs up.

After that obstacle Kourtney became perkier but her labile emotions were starting to wear on our whole family. The bottom line seemed to be that she was sore in the morning, her stooped posture, her lack of use of her thumbs despite the surgery in June = a very big depression. I spoke to Dr. Courtemanche about arranging a multi-disciplinary meeting and he willing obliged and began to gather his "peeps" together. On November 8th we had a meeting with psychiatrist, anaesthetist (from the pain team), Dr. C., hematologist, our dermatology nurse, OT, PT , Todd, Kourtney and myself. We all put our heads together for the best plan to deal with Kourtney's joint issues and her looming mood. There was a lot accomplished in the one hour including the possibility of Kourtney receiving a myoelectric arm (research to follow). We were so thankful for this hope as it would give her Independence beyond what any of could ever imagine including taking herself to the bathroom and being the life of the party being able to crush pop cans with her forceful grip. We haven't started the process of funding yet but I believe once we wrap our heads around this it won't take long for this process to start.

So since this fateful day Kourtney seems to have a better outlook on her life. She didn't want to keep having surgeries just to face disappointments. Although the emotional outbursts still are regular we all have a better perspective on how to face them. Her pain control is better and surprisingly she doesn't come home from school worn out. She has a smile on her face and has ambition to keep herself occupied when she gets home.


Shortly after I returned from Saskathewan, Todd woke up complaining of pain. Janelle instantly recognized it as kidney stones. That morning became our first of many visits to the ER. We realized that our medical system is only designed to treat the symptoms but not deal with the problem. I was so very unimpressed with our local hospital and felt somewhat dismal knowing that I was a representative of that hospital. To date he passed 2 small stones and one large peppercorn sized one that had to be "surgically removed" and is now waiting for a lithotripsy to be done on the other offending stone.

Through all this Todd still has lead the Alpha Band at church, plays in the church band and still remains positive.


I have to give this little trooper a lot of credit for putting up with all of this. I think her name should have been Endearment. Somehow Shaelyn seems to get through during these troubled times. She generally has our day organized from the time she rolls out of bed in the morning, by asking us, "What are we doing today? - which means, "What am I doing and I won't stop asking you until you give me a concrete answer." Grade 4 has now brought projects, and letter grades. Shae has taken this on and really enjoys these challenges. She continues to do her skipping and is doing very well at speed skipping (which doesn't surprise any of us).

Jennifer and Lexi

Our cat and dog had a bit of an altercation. Lexi tries to dominate Jennifer by a term that we call "humping". This behaviour exhibits itself more when Lexi is in her heat cycle. When Lexi does this it usually ends up in friendly fire between the cat and dog. Unfortunately during one of the attacks Jenny ended up scratching Lexi's cornea of her eye causing photo phobia and pain. Lexi had to go get pain medication and drops for eyes. The poor thing has not learned her lesson and continues on her quest of domination of the cat!


Surprisingly enough I have managed to stay even through these little trials of life. I felt myself going down with Kourtney somewhat but was able to keep perspective through it all. I still love my job and always I have a place where I can focus on something other then life's trials at home.
When my dad had his heart attack, I was warmed by the fact that my family wanted me there. After all the trials of the past two years, it became clear that it was truly forgotten and the past became just that, the past. I was able to spend quality time with my mom, dad, and youngest brother Murray who was also getting married that weekend I was there. I believe that I was meant to be there despite Kourtney's torrid state at home. My dad is feeling great and has a whole new outlook and perspective on life!!
We feel very blessed to have my brother Meldon and family in Kelowna. We have not had any of my family that close by and feel it is a luxury!!!
Just last week my sister Sharon came out with her two little ones. We had a wonderful time together and felt blessed to share in each other's lives.
God is not just good . . . HE is faithful. He has brought us through the desert and we feel we are reaching the promised land!!