The weather this spring has been absolutely dreadful. We had snow in April which has been very unusual for us.Generally with the gloomy weather comes depression for myself and Kourtney but since our return from Hawaii the sun has been shining in our home. The witty, happy Kourtney has made her comeback.
What happened? I believe it is a combination of 3 things: meds, overall health and her taking charge of her disease. We increased one of her medications called Elavil. It is a 3 in one pill that helps with depression, pain and sleep. She tells me she is sleeping better at night, we all know what a good sleep does from ones' mental health. Kourtney's health has been very good this winter, I think she has had only one cold, and one skin infection treated with antibiotics. Her hemoglobin has remained the same at 111 for the last 6 months which in itself attributes to health! I have also noticed Kourtney doing a lot more for herself in the last few months, weather that be putting on her shoes or getting off her butt and finding the remote (you know how many times she will ask for it and that is my response).
We still deal with tears in the morning and during a dressing change but she comes out of her lament a lot quicker then she used to. IT is very exhausting for the caregivers who do her dressings and for us when we listen to it. Nothing breaks a parent's heart more then to hear their child in pain.
So all in all life is good for all us! Kourtney will see an orthopeadic surgeon for her hips and also an orthodontist to pull some teeth. These will be great visits as they will aide us in helping Kourtney with exercises.
2 weeks ago we had a transition meeting with the high school. Next year Kourtney will be entering the high school domain! She is looking forward to it!
Shaelyn and I are headed to Nelson for a skipping tournament in 2 weeks and then we are looking forward to a visit from my parents. May is going to be a busy month for us!