Tuesday, February 19, 2013


It is difficult to describe this last week.  It has been highlighted by some soaring highs and some crushing lows.  

Once again we have been blessed in unbelieveable ways once by everyone at Kourtney's new school.
As well I had the privilege of being a part of Angela's baptism, and was part of the cheering squad to support the rest of her family,  Scott, Jordyn and Jenna as they took a step of faith with Baptism as well.  Todd and I were thrilled to see the many staff members from ACS in the congregation to support the Visser family. We definitely feel that Kourtney is in the "right" place. Kourtney feels the same way; she doesn't cry when she has to leave for school, her stomach problems have settled down, and the heart palpitations are gone.

Just when we thought life has settled into a "better than new" normal, we have been blindsided, once again, by a major set of events. To preserve the integrity of everyone involved, I will not and cannot go into any detail. We believe that it is an "attack" on our family but  once again we feel "protected" in so many ways that we can't even begin to describe how we know and feel that God is looking after us. As a family we have chosen to claim Ephesians 6:12. 

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, 
against the powers of this dark world 
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Please hold us even higher in our prayers this week.


Monday, February 11, 2013

It takes a village

"It takes a village to raise a child." I have heard this saying over and over again, and in many ways felt resentful that the village (Abbotsford) has not taken this on...........until recently.

Kourtney was greeted warmly in her new school, not just by the educational assistants, and support staff but by teacher's, principal as well as the students. I don't think we fully "understand the undertaking" that went on to get Kourtney established in the school but we "appreciate how the team scrambled not just to accomodate Kourtney but to receive our whole family with open arms. I know that what they accomplished in 6 days generally takes months and months of planning. Thank-you ACS.

The first day of school, the plan was for me was to spend the whole morning with Kourtney at school. I had a meeting with the educational assistants (EA's), Kourtney chose to go to her English class. After the meeting, I went with her EA to her English class. Kourtney looked at me and whispers something about being "lost". I panicked thinking she was "lost on her assignment" and the the mother bear took over. She then looks again at me and I came closer, and she whispers to me "get lost". The look on my face was one of pure delight and I said ok "see you". I asked the EA if she was ok with Kourtney on her own, and she said of course, and I exited doing a little bit of a happy dance. It thrilled me to see Kourtney want to be independent again.

Todd  has been thrilled to be working with a staff and a school that is willing and able to use to help Kourtney make use out of her iPad. All her text books, and assignments will be done on her IPAD. In the 1.5 years in the public high school, not once were the team able to get Kourtney up and running so quickly in technology. It frustrated us to no end that no one seemed to care or take this on as a reasonable and best option for Kourtney.

Kourtney managed to hold up ok. She is only taking two classes, but every day is different. Some days she is there in the monring, some afternoons, some mid mornings and so it goes. We want to preserve her strength and decrease the amount of stress on her body.

All in all we still see signs of improvement, even with her strength. She is using a walker to get around the house and are praying that eventually she can use it a school to get around. We ask you to continually pray for our family. We can not survive on our own strength and know that the only way through this has been the prayers of "His people"

Monday, February 4, 2013

She is off

Typical learning session; Mr. Lewis, Kourtney, iPads and Lexi

Well, Mr. Lewis pulled it off! Kourtney now
has officially passed Science 10!  Mr. Lewis said goodbye to our family on Friday and Kourtney is returning to school on Tuesday. As much as this seems like a no brainer for Kourtney to become a part of civilization again, I have very mixed emotions about it. While Kourtney deals with anticipatory pain issues, I have anticipatory issues about Kourtney getting worn down again. 

We made the decision to change schools. A part of me (OK, all of me) wanted to keep Kourtney at the high school where she was going. It would have made the transition back easier on both Todd and I. But Kourtney could not go back to that high school where she felt betrayed, friendless and found no place of refuge. Although we don't expect the grass to be greener, somehow switching her to a smaller, private Christian school seems to be better fertilizer to make the "grass greener". Kourtney made the choice of school she wanted to go to, hopefully this will give her some motivation to get out of bed in the morning and face the day with courage. I also have to keep in mind that Kourtney's pain is way better controlled, she has uninterrupted sleeps and her body is so much stronger. We have "safeguarded" this semester by enrolling Kourtney in two classes, English and Math. Everyday will be different as far as times she has to be at school, and although it is a scheduling nightmare for our caregivers, it will allow Kourtney to have some "sleep in" days. Although we are not going through a crisis now, it many ways we need just as much prayer as we did a couple of months ago. It is the daily grind that wears us down, and although there have been many positive changes, the bottom line Kourtney still has EB and that in itself says it all.

We did manage to go to Kelowna for two nights. Kourtney was able to go shopping and wasn't as worn out after it all. She led worship with Todd at my brother's "church". It was a sweet moment for us as it was 3.5 months ago when we were in Kelowna when we first noticed that there was something really not right about Kourtney. So, for her to be back there doing what she loves most was reassuring to us that she has indeed become well again. But once again it is about balance . . . . . if we all could lead a life of balance, how much better our lives would be.