Sunday, May 5, 2019

27 Dresses

This is not about the movie.

For those following me on Instagram and Facebook you know that illness and injury are a regular part of family life.  Most recently, Kourtney became really sick a few weeks ago.  This has resulted in countless appointments, procedures and hospital stays. Last month Shae came down with gastro in Mexico, had to be hospitalized and we missed our flight home!  Christmas Eve was spent with Kourtney in the ER with post op pain from an esophageal dilatation. Going back to October 2018, Todd was hospitalized after a bike injury and in November he was hospitalized for kidney stones and needed to get them surgically removed. Oddly enough, none of this has hindered our spirits. We keep on making plans and trucking along.

Our next adventure was my nephew Carson’s wedding in Edmonton.  At first Kourtney did not want to go. But after my extended vacation in Mexico with Shaelyn she wanted to join in the fun. I booked our flights and hotel with no cancellation insurance because surely, what could possibly go wrong? (I live with my glass always half full and now and my wallet half empty.)  But alas I have to be thankful that Kourtney is being treated here rather than risking the trip to Edmonton.

On a brighter note there is a comical side to this whole story that I would love to share.

Over these past few years I have been gaining weight. I have tried everything to lose it.  It’s so difficult to be on a diet or “change your lifestyle” when the rest of the family is not on board.  I had lower back pain aggravated by lifting weights and trying to many complicated and frustrating workout regimes.  In January Todd tipped out the scale and decided to eat lower carb meals and exercise more regularly. This made it easier for me to jump on board. Although I have not lost the 30 pounds Todd has, I feel so much better eating healthier and exercising regularly. I do have an end game - Shaelyn’s grad. We are getting some family photos done and I want to be able to look at the picture and not shudder. My jeans were starting to feel looser and my selfies (which is a whole other story) weren’t reflecting a double chin.

Feeling somewhat more confident, the dress hunt began. Prior to Shae’s grad we had a few weddings to go to, including the recently cancelled trip to Edmonton. Dresses are difficult to find. My first trip was to the basement to my own personal stash of dresses, most of them casual sun dresses. My Facebook friends flooded my feed with suggestions; The Bay, Winners, boutiques, and cross border shopping.  But I was working lots and working out.  No time for shopping (can’t believe I said that).  Then I started online shopping and my obsession began.

My first stop online was Shein.  Shae had bought some items on their website.  The clothes were cute and inexpensive so I took my chances and ordered a lot of dresses tops and summer clothes. There were free returns so why not? (but what I didn’t realize was postage wasn’t paid for shipping back to China). What I should have kept in mind that Shein’s clothes are made for tiny Asian women, not a curvy middle aged Canadian woman. Thankfully, I have a tiny  sister I was able to offload most of the dresses on to. I kept a few of them although they are wearable but still tight. This only made me more obsessive about finding the right dress. I knew Aritzia has a good return policy so I went a little crazy in my on line ordering. I probably spent over $ 1,000 dollars (which in Aritzia money is not that much, but still silly for me).  I found one cute pant suit and a cute casual dress, but it would have not been too compatible with the Edmonton weather. All the rest went back. I was determined to find the right one. Then Kourtney got sick.

Kourtney’s little episode did not hinder our plans for Edmonton. Kourtney continued to feel well. The hunt for the perfect dress for Carson and Mandi’s wedding was still on. Over the Easter weekend Aritzia was having a sale and I found the perfect dress. I ordered it on Saturday, hoping I would get it on Tuesday. In my experience Aritzia delivers the next day but with Easter holidays I gave them a day of grace. But as things have gone in the past couple of weeks the dress did not arrive Tuesday. Later that day, Tuesday April 23, our Edmonton plans were terminated as it was recommended that Kourtney start a 2 week course of IV antibiotics. The dress did not arrive until Thursday morning, an hour or so after our plane was supposed to take off. The irony - it fit perfectly, it was reduced by 60% and it would have been perfect for the snowy weekend in Edmonton; bittersweet moment. Sometimes I wonder why I bother planning as much as I do.

There is a word that I believe that follows me every step of the way.  It’s the word Grace. I believe it’s the God given ability that I can still wake up in the morning not fearing what the day weeks, months hold. It allows me to see life through rose coloured lenses knowing God is in control of every situation. I have to be truthful and say it has been a journey to get to this point. Even these past couple weeks, I don’t want to leave Kourtney’s side because I am worried about what the day will bring.  But Grace shows up in so many shapes and sizes.

The medical team we have is incredible and spread throughout different hospitals and health authorities. (Abbotsford doctor, New West Minister doctor and of course Dr. C, Vancouver doctor) They are all available through text or email and willing to help out. That’s where I believe that I see Grace in our village of family and friends and a home I love. I can’t forget to mention Todd and sweet Shaelyn. I feel so, so fortunate to travel this journey with Todd supporting Kourtney and I every step of the way. (Not one question was ever asked about the online purchases).  Shaelyn has become my right hand person and enjoys driving me around and the best little back seat driver there is. (She often forgets who taught her to drive) But oh I how love her. It’s these things that keep my rose coloured glasses from fogging up.

Our life has been an ongoing story of hardship, challenge and disappointment; it is also a story of Hope.  Our life is anything but “picture perfect” but it is full of Purpose and Meaning.  The way we look at it is that our lives have a Purpose, planned by God and we choose to accept it; the good, and the bad.  It gives me the Hope I need to get out of bed in the morning knowing He has our lives in the palm of His hand.

1 Corinthians 10:13 New International Version (NIV)
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.