Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The other morning at 0300 we were awakened by the very mournful cries of ZAZU wanting to come into the house. He has been banned from our house until he gets used to the fact that Lexi is Queen. So far there have been hisses through our sliding door and a growl from Lexi. We have to make sure the coast is clear of Zazu before Lexi can go outside in order to avoid an attack.

Our days seems to be filled with making sure Lexi does her business before she is allowed upstairs in the rest of her castle. The song by the Baha Men seemed to come to mind over and over again "Who let the Dogs Out? Surprisingly enough she is getting the "hang" of it. We are conditioning her to ring a bell to tell us she has to go to the bathroom. So far Pavlov's dogs are apparently are a bit smarter then will just take a lot of time and consistency.

Kourtney has come alive over the last few days. She is giggling more then usual especially when Lexi is on her bed with her. Her dressing changes are a lot smoother and her skin is improving daily. She also has her new faster wheelchair. She even managed to beat Shae on her bike . . . which caused Shae to became very upset. Kourtney laughed so hard at Shae during her defeat that it intensified Shae's anger. Todd and I shook our heads wondering where this behaviour comes from (Todd of course).

The Kujawa's are doing well. It is amazing what a white ball of fluff can do. Lexi has brought so much joy to all of us. Her master though is Todd. She listens to him and gets very excited when he walks in a room (I know how she feels). It is neat to see how she respects him and is so willing to please him. Shaelyn is our consistent pooper scooper. She is always willing to get her shovel to scoop it up. Thanks Shae. Kourtney calms Lexi down and so far Lexi hasn't even attempted to bite her. I am the one who fills in the gaps with her and enjoys playing with her.

Todd has just finished up a change house for our pool visitors. It looks very modern. We will post some pictures to the blog in the next couple of days.

Life is good . . . the Kujawa's are loving summer!!!


Anonymous said...

An excellent summary of the joy Lexi has brought. How can a little ball of fluff make such a big difference.

Lori Bourne said...

Aw, no wonder Zazu doesn't like the dog. He associates it with being left outside. Can't he stay in one room until they get used to each other?

This way it will probably take all the outdoor dangers to cats. Zazu needs *more* attention right now, to help him through the transition, not less.

Michelle said...


JMV Healthcare Garage said...

i just got caught up on your blog.... sounds like Lexi is great for you all - i'm so glad!! she looks adorable. (and how do you get your 8 yr old to be a pooper scooper !!??) glad everyone seems to be enjoying summer! Janelle, if you ever want to go for a walk let me know.:)
thanks for journaling.