Sunday, October 28, 2012

Icky times

On Tuesday Kourtney got her blood transfusion. We were hoping to report that things would be better....but they aren't! Once again we are at the drawing board, as to how to manage her care. She can not physically keep up with her school work, and has no desire to do her physio. WE are dealing with sleepless night, meltdowns, and more and more blisters. Todd and I are exhausted, and my back has taken a beating doing her care.
The only thing we are asking for is prayer,nothing more- thankfully I am off this week and hopefully can dig further to see if we can get to the bottom of this all.

1 comment:

Kourtney Senkerik said...

Natalie happened to be over when I checked your blog. We just had a word of prayer together for all of you. We love you.