Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Shaelyn's Update (2004 in review)

This year, my mom gave me the responsibility of being the Editor in Chief. At 3 years and 9 months of age I feel excited about giving you the rundown of the events that have shaped our past year. My mom says this year has been a year of growth for our family. Our motto this year is from Joshua 24:15, “. . . as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” The words of Brian Doerksen’s CD “Today” have touched our hearts and lives. We are praying that through the hustle and bustle of Christmas you will take time to reflect how your family can serve the Lord in the year to come. We want to share our personal growth chart with you.

My Sister (Kourtney)

My sister has grown so much this year. I seem to have a new wardrobe every week as I inherit a lot of her clothes. Kourtney loves to read and is reading well beyond the grade 2 level . I benefit greatly from this because she loves reading to me. She is my bestest friend although she can be very bossy. We love to sing and dance together and chase each other around the house. My mom says I am probably the only one who treats her normally, which I think means I don’t let her get away with a lot.

Me (Shaelyn)

I know have achieved big girl status as I reluctantly gave up my soother. I taught myself how to swim and am able to jump into the deep water without anyone catching me. I love to draw and paint pictures and Kourtney is teaching me my alphabet. At last I don’t suffer separation anxiety when my parents leave me at Sunday School. Last but not least, my hair has grown thick, curly, and blonde, but still short.

My Mom (Janelle)

My mom’s organizational skills grew as she filled in for the head nurse at the dialysis unit this summer. She has also signed up to be a consultant for Mary Kay cosmetics. Mom loves having fun with makeup and even tries stuff on Kourtney and I. (My dad even takes samples of lipstick and hand lotion to school. He really thinks a pink SUV would suit him well.) My mom still loves running on her treadmill if she can’t get outside for a run. She seems to smile more after a workout. I just can’t imagine being that sweaty and feeling good after.

My Dad (Todd)

My dad completed his post graduate degree in June. He grew in his knowledge of computers and also his pay cheque (more Polly Pockets for me). My dad continues to hone his home renovation skills as he finished the kitchen cabinets and countertops, installed laminate flooring, knocked out a wall to make room for French doors, did electrical work, and designed and installed a new rail around the stairs. They say renovations are never done, but I think in my dad’s mind they might be. My mom has been banned from home reno shows as it gives her too many new ideas.

My mom, dad and Kourtney are leading worship in the Sunday School Open session. They do 3 weekend services every 3 weeks. I sometimes rush the stage when they are up there, but this last week I was too close to the monitor. I ran off the stage with my hands over my ears screaming, “It is too loud!” I can hardly wait until I am old enough to help out.

We have had visits from cousins Clarise, Nate, Wyatt and Maguire (who was inside Aunt Sharon’s tummy at the time). Of course their parents, Auntie Charlotte and Uncle Meldon, came with them. We also enjoyed a visit from Grandma Charlene and Grandpa Harold. We are looking forward to having a house full of Lutzer family members for Christmas this year. They will be in for a green Christmas this year as B.C. Christmas’s are typically mild.

We took a much needed family vacation, to Penticton this year. It was so hot we felt like we were in Hawaii. We spent most of our time in the swimming pool at the hotel. We felt very relaxed after we were there.

We also had an enjoyable time on our annual trip to Sylvan Lake for a Lutzer Family Reunion. I really enjoyed being with my cousins.

Merry Christmas to all. I know this is going to be the greatest Christmas ever.

LOVE SHAELYN (for all the Kujawa’s)

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