Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hospital Day....

Today we went to Children's Hospital. Kourtney saw the psychologist and then the physiotherapist. Good news . . . although her back is still very painful the physiotherapist is convinced her stooped gait can be corrected!! She gave Kourtney exercises to help her stretch and develop her core muscle strength.

Thursday, Kourtney and Todd will go back to Children's Hospital to do a dressing change. This will be a final training session for the nurses before we leave. So far, the same nurses have been around for Kourtney's dressing changes. We are praying the same ones will be there next week also. Mona will be present during those dressing changes also. She has a very good handle on how to do them. What a team that has been developed!!!!

Going off to bed, my heart feels lighter then it has in months, even years. This type of team approach has been needed for years. I am quite happy not to be making all the decisions about Kourtney's care. It is very liberating to have other people in place that can look after Kourtney. She is being left in very capable hands when Todd and I leave for Mexico.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. It's such a HUGE story... but I'm thankful that you can process it with writing and letting the rest of us have a glimse of your heart. Praise the Lord that your 12 days away made sooo much progess in you, Kourtney, your marriage, respite... I'm so happy for you that there are so many changes - and they appear to be permanent changes... You are loved - Thanks for our 1/2 hr together!!

Love Jacquie deKroon