Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Long day

We left at 6 this am, and arrived at children's at 740 for our 8 am appointment! I had a sick feeling that this appointment was not going to happen despite the confirmation with the receptionist! 14 years of this I have developed a huge mistrust in our system! When We arrived we got the news that we were cancelled! Christlike was not my first reaction  with this news as we endured a very rough night with anxiety as well me fighting a cold and not be able to breathe!! However a very kindhearted nurse assured us that they would make it work for us, however there was no anesthesiologist to start her IV ini her tender skin! The last time we came in it took the nurses in 4 turns,with no success and a very bruised a blistered child! All I could think of was the song Some trust in chariots but we trust in the name of the lord of our God, this reassurance was transferred to kourtney and I was able to give her that promise that many people were praying The warm nurse came into the room, and I could tell she was up to the challenge! I felt confident in her skills, and after a look at kourtneys limited IV access spots she felt confident that she could get the vein! It took a little while but and all I could do was pray as the nurse wasn't sure if was in or not! But the we saw the most precious site, the much needed blood pouring back! Thank you jesus! Kourtney is now hooked up to a solution that Mimics hormones secreted at night that stimulate growth hormone! They will be able to decided weather or not this is a reason her growth is so delayed! She is the size of an eight year old! If they find out that this is the cause then she get the hormone and this will bring on puberty! ( oh my ) This will really help her socially if she is an appropriate size! As well she will receive IV iron which she has been receiving for years for severe anemia issues! Unfortunately though she has not received it for 3 months due to IV issues! So this will aide in her overall well being correcting all of this! Hopefully this is a turnaround day for her as her mood as been low especially with the anticipation of all of this!

1 comment:

Amy said...

We were praying along with many others!!! So glad to hear that it went well!