Sunday, January 27, 2013

Aegrotat Standing

It is not very often that somebody goes to the wall for Kourtney. Over the last 3 weeks there has been a Hospital Homebound teacher who has been coming in and teaching Science 10 to Kourtney. He is a retired teacher who earns extra money by coming into kid's houses and teaching them while they have been sick. His age and demeanor first made Kourtney uncomfortable, but  she realized that he knew how to teach and to make her understand science and so the relationship began. It is quite the site to see; Kourtney and Mr. Lewis sitting on the couch with their iPads, with Lexi snuggled up beside Kourtney making sure this strange man doesn't get too close to her beloved Kourtney.

With the first school semester ending the question was how are we going to get Kourtney to pass her Science. Mr. Lewis was very adamant, along with Kourtney's science teacher, that she should just finish up the chapters and not have to write the provincial exam. The school counselor stepped in and indicated that Kourtney had to write the final provincial exam. I shook my head and once again validated how people cannot think outsisde of the box for our Kourtney.  I had nothing to give;  no more fight; whatever will be will be.

(DA DA DAH - hear the bugle sound of the Calvary) Step in Mr. Lewis! He was outraged with the rapid response he received from the school coupled with the lack of consideration for Kourtney's situation. This man was ready to go on the warpath and beat down the door of the Ministry of Education.  He immediately emailed the principal and the process began for Aegrotat Standing (a special set of circumstances for which Kourtney qualifies whereby she will not to write the exam).
This all "went down" while I have been in a gravol induced coma for the last 3 days due to the stomach flu.  I didn't send an email, I didn't have to talk to anyone!  Mr Lewis did it all.  Wow! It was so nice for someone to be in our corner for Kourtney fighting for her.

We still don't know the outcome of this but it sure does feel nice not to have wasted emotional energy like we have done so many times before . . . even if it is denied. I have a feeling that Mr Lewis will stop at nothing for Kourtney.

All in all Kourtney is doing extremely well, she has conquered her fear of the stairs, areas of skin that have not healed up in years are healed, she is sleeping well and she continues to put on weight. It still feels surreal  that she has come this far in such a short period of time considering the prognosis she was given. She even walked into Costco the other day......a huge feat for her.


Pat said...

Hi Kourtney.. Today is my birthday and this blog from you mom is the best present I could have gotten I have been praying and asking God to send Angels your way and I see He has. Keep up the good work and remember you never know the hearts you touch.
Love to you and your family

Pat (Grandma Bev'c friend)

Peter said...

Way to go Kourtney!