Thursday, January 10, 2013


During the last few months that Kourtney has been sick I have blogged about waiting for Kourtney to turn the corner, and our family establishing the new "normal"! Never once (and not because I am a pessimist) did I think that I would be writing the following. This comes with a disclaimer: there is nobody on this earth that should take credit for this . . . it is God who has led and guided us through this and, we believe, performed . . . a miracle.

 Luke 1:37 reads,  For nothing will be impossible with God."

On Friday we saw the occupational therapist and physiotherapist. They took a look at Kourtney's feet and gave us a lot of hope that they could fix her problems with non-surgical procedures. They encouraged Kourtney not to give up on her walking. I wanted to be positive but lurking in the back of mind were Dr. Davis's words that a few months ago stuck through my heart like a knife. "Her bone marrow is not working anymore." Although her body is structurally OK the engine is not.  How could I be hopeful?

Monday we got a call from our family doctor.  Kourtney's followup swab results did not isolate any MRSA (keep in mind it took 3 years to get rid of it before, and this time 6 weeks).  We have learned not treat it with Antibiotics as it more of a resistance.  We used a special dressing, better pain control, and better cleaning of the skin. In the back of my mind I started to become hopeful that the new nutrition was playing a huge role in her progress.  I then allowed myself to become optimistic that Kourtney,  maybe, just maybe Kourtney may be making some red blood cells to fight infection (again keep in mind she has not done this for about a year and a half.)

Today was blood work day or "D" day.  In trying to be proactive in saving Kourtney from too many pokes, I suggested an IV be put in as they were doing the blood work, just in case her hgb was low and she needed a transfusion. ( Oh yee of little faith).  An anesthesiologist was involved and to make a long story short it didn't go well.  It was the worst IV (hack job) I have ever witnessed and it left Kourtney bruised, blistered and without IV access. As he was rubbing my daughter's blistered fragile skin, he was making plans to go to the OR for sedation.  I halted it, and said, "let's just do the blood work, and then make decisions from there."  He apologized.  I was so furious with him that I couldn't even speak.  The blood was later easily attained by an experienced "pheblomitist" aka a dinosaur. As we waited for the blood work results. I prayed for mercy for my little Kourtney. I was shaking. I was so nervous and then Kourtney said, "I know it will be fine mom!"  Oh how I wanted her to be right.

The results started to slowly come back . . . hemoglobin higher then 6 weeks ago, and her retic count was high. Translation: this kid is making her own red blood cells for the first time in years,  her bone marrow, has been unlocked. The icing on the cake was her overall nutritional status is now better than on Nov. 1 when the doctors were not too concerned about it. Keep in mind in December her albumin (protein) plummeted down to 12, and is now at 27!  Almost within in a normal range.

When Dr. Davis walked in it was the 2nd sweetest moment of my life (first one was when I took Shaelyn to the genetic doctor 6 weeks after she was born).  He  said, "Wow, this is the best that her blood work has been in the 4 years I have known Kourtney! What have you done differently?" Cheekily I replied, "I took her to Abbotsford Hospital"!  He readily admitted how Children's Hospital has dropped the ball many times with Kourtney's care. Dr. Davis expects that if things continue this way Kourtney may not need blood work for at least 3 months.  (This is the same doctor who had previously told me more than likely Kourtney will need a transfusion every 3 weeks).

Kourtney has not just turned the corner, she has made a complete U-turn for the better! I didn't expect that the new normal has the potential now to be better than the old normal. But from where we sit today, it is looking pretty good. We  believe it was only through divine intervention that there was no room at the inn (children's  hospital) and we ended up in Abbotsford where we received the best holistic care, and changed many, many components of Kourtney's care.  I believe that the biggest change was getting her pain under control which in turn helps her sleep better, tolerate her feed better, and as earlier mentioned eases the dressing changes. The added bonus was how Dr. Courtemanche was willing to consult from afar. There are not many doctors that are willing to take this on, and for that we are thankful.

I return to work tomorrow with a huge sense of relief. We have hired an experienced nurse/nanny from the Philippines and are praying that it works out well. I am looking forward to getting back to work, but I feel torn because I feel my time spent being a full-time mom has been so precious. I realize though that for my relationship with Kourtney I need to take a step back, and make the apron strings a little looser.

More good news . . . Shae made the competitive basketball team. She has been practicing a lot in our backyard. She is so excited.

 Making plans for Kourtney to return to school in the new semester. I will keep you updated.

A BIG THANK-YOU to the many people who have supported us through this crisis. The many meals, the many cups of coffee, the Pastorate group who did yard work in the pouring rain and most of all the people who prayed. It was only through the many prayers that we got through this. I feel that I can breath again . . . . .

uh oh Todd has been throwing up all night . . . I just hope it doesn't spread.


April said...

Oh, this makes my heart sing! I am so happy to hear this good news! We are praying praying praying. God sure answers!

Ang said...

I have to say "ditto" to April's comment. WOW - it makes my heart sing!! Thank you Abba for this good news.