Thursday, April 30, 2009

Saved by the plastic surgeon (AGAIN!!!)

Last week I started making phone calls about Kourtney's anxiety issues. I phoned 3 Drs to see if they could prescribe meds for Kourtney or if they could get her in to see a psychiatrist. Everyone's hands were tied because all the Drs, especially at Children's, are sooo specialized that they don't feel comfortable ordering mood medication.

The past week Kourtney was very weepy. When I took her to Children's for a cast change she cried all the way in and all the way to the office. When the plastic surgeon saw her, Kourtney told him she was very depressed and began to cry. I told him about our quest over the week to get Kourtney some help. He wasn't around last week, otherwise I would have talked to him sooner. He told us to stay put and he would make some phone calls. 2 phone calls and 5 minutes later, we were sitting in the office of a pediatric psychiatrist. (I am always amazed how much pull Dr. C has.) The psychiatrist already knew of Kourtney and wanted to just try to get her anxiety under control. She then planned to look at the deeper issues next week at our regularly scheduled appointment. The biggest thing was getting Kourtney's sleep under control. So she changed her meds around. She asked if there was a history of psychiatric issues in the family. I told her about my hospital stay in December and how good I felt being on the antidepressant. I told her, I was sleeping better, my pulse beats at 50 beats a minute rather than 100, and I have noticed a decrease in perspiration. She told me that if a medication is effective for me she thinks it would be effective for Kourtney. End of appointment!!! That is all we needed and it took over a week to get it.

We then got pampered at the spa day at Children's Hospital and received some very cool gifts including mineral eye shadow, hair gel and shampoo. Shaelyn and Laura, my friend and coworker, came with us. It turned into a good visit.

Next week will be a busy week as we try to fit in many appointments before our Florida trip. I am already dreading the trips in.

The weather has been so lovely here. Todd and Shaelyn took the inaugural swim in our pool today. The two of them were grinning from ear to ear as they swam in the 73 degree water.

I understand that my openness about my depression may be uncomfortable for some people, but I feel I have to share it because Chronic Stress Disorder or severe depression is very misunderstood. I feel that in sharing my journey I can also help people recognize that there is light at the end of the tunnel and there are people out there that can help during the journey. I know for a fact that this has gone on for years. Most of the time I have been able to dig out of the tunnel myself but this time I could not get out. Since my breakdown I have been able to give advice to my friend going through breast cancer and also my friend that recently lost her husband. Most people just "give up" on people going through difficult times and are not willing to walk the path with them. I now know how to help my daughter and recognize that her stress is magnified with the pain of all the sores on her body.

I have two friends that have been very dedicated during my journey, Jeanne and Corrina. They have not been afraid to come along side of our family and help us out. They weren't afraid to feel the pain and they accepted me despite my despair. Thanks you two.

The other person that has impacted my is my cousin Leanne. When I first moved to Abbotsford 17 years ago, she was the only person I knew. She has always been there for me and my family and I have enjoyed watching her children grow up in to young missionaries that deeply desire to serve the Lord. The last few months she has walked with our family and has gone out of her way to make sure we have been taken care of. Her husband, Rick, has earned the nickname Tricky Ricky. He loves bugging Shaelyn and there isn't a time that a smile does not cross her face when he is around. She's even sitting with him at church tonight. We are so excited about their move to Abbotsford in July into their very "God provided" house.

I also have found joy in my job as a maternity nurse. Last night I cuddled a 10lb baby as his parents slept. Holding a newborn is comforting and reminds me how precious life is. I also have many good friends there and enjoy socializing with the girls.

We are starting to see the effects of the improved sleep and the antidepressants already on Kourtney. Today she cried a bit but was able to get out of it a bit easier.


Anonymous said...

Denial is the biggest hindrance to dealing with depression, which is as common as the flu. You have made an amazing recovery. What a joy to see you surviving the constant challenges that you face each day. Many blessings to all of you as you count down to your trip to Disneyworld.

Your biggest fans.

Anonymous said...

The bloggings of your ups and downs show others your great faith. All of you are such an inspiration! I am visualizing Kourtney dressed in her skinny jeans laughing and enjoying KID things in Disneyworld!
I am waiting for the next entry.

Todd, Janis, Paige said...

I see the surprise on people's faces when I'm talking about my depression as well. I've always been very open about it. I believe the only way to lose the stigma, is to treat it as any other health issue. And it so hard to understand that just like other organs (heart, lungs, etc.) the brain can also have health challenges? We're pioneers for the future people who will suffer with this! So keep your head held high! The important thing is recognizing your symptoms and seeking help when needed. I'm glad that your seeing improvement! It's a difficult disorder to deal with, but we can do it!

I know you'll have a wonderful time in Disneyworld, and I think a change of scenery will do wonders for Kourtney. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.