Sunday, April 19, 2009

Skinny Jeans....

This past week was one of those weeks that I was back to doing normal mom things. Wednesday morning I did a dressing change with Mona, and came upstairs to find a very tired Shaelyn. I told her we could lay down together for a half an hour and then go to school. We ended up sleeping until 10 . . . so I called her in sick for the day and we spent the day together. We went out for lunch and went shopping for Disney World clothes. We came home from our shopping spree and I did Shae's hair and made it extremely curly. She chose one of her new outfits and was transformed from winter to spring in moments. She then went to choir, where she redid her hair ( she does not like her hair curly . . . I tell her to embrace the curl), then we went off to skipping. She skipped with a smile on her face the whole time and was very proud of her accomplishements. I loved the special time I got to spend with her and am thankful for our precious time together.

Then on Thursday, Kourtney had a cast change at Children's Hospital. The cast change is a 5 minute procedure and there were no other Doctors to see . . . so we decided that a shopping trip was in order. Kourtney has grown so much over the last few months that she could not fit into a lot of her clothes. Her one request for the shopping trip was skinny jeans. We did not have access to a wheelchair, so Kourtney sucked it up and walked around the mall. She got her request plus a few other goodies. Kourtney did not try the clothes on, we prayed that they would fit. Mona was the first one to put the skinny jeans on, Kourtney said she prayed, oh God, oh God, please let them fit. Well, they fit and they looked so cute on her.

It felt like a sense of accomplishement for me to spend quality time with both my girls and do special mom things with them. I embrace the ordinary after life had been spinning out of control for so many months. I also am thrilled that a pair of skinny jeans were found for Kourtney. Finding clothes for Kourtney is not an easy task. I believe that God provided that pair of skinny jeans for her and made them to fit. We don't take things like that for granted around our house.

We feel an overwhelming sense of Peace right now in our marriage, home and family. We pray that it continues and we will continue to have HOPE on our journey.

Thanks for all your love and support!!! We love getting comments.


Michelle said...

Sounds like a couple of wonderful mother-daughter times! I'm so glad that skipping is going well! Shae -ask Kira about curly hair!!! Kourtney, I'm very envious of anyone who can wear skinny jeans - you go girl (they've never get over my calves... and Kira has inherited her mother's legs, so she won't be wearing them either!) Blessing to you all!

miksha said...

Your delight, hope and peace is contagious! Great to hear.

Ellie said...

Janelle, you inspire me! I really need to start having some one on one time with my own kids to get closer to them. I'm so glad you have found this Peace in your relationship with your husband and with your children. Thanks for the chats we had at work this weekend too, they helped me a lot. We do need to see some pictures of Kourtney in her 'skinny' jeans, I'm sure they are just adorable.

Janet said...

Dear Janelle and Todd
I have loved reading your updates.. You have a way of putting your experience into words that make me feel what you are going through. Today I have shivers.Many times we have said Kourtney is amazing- and she most definitely is..but I am always in awe of how you have face adversity and overcome..and love so unconditionally. Thank you for sharing your story.

Anonymous said...

I read regularly. I am inspired by your stamina and your faith. What you go through inspires me to cope with my "stuff". Doesn't it always seem that you cope with big things but get bogged down when little thing trip you up. That is why the Mom and daughter days were SO BIG! The skinny jeans were the icing on the cake! The girls will look great on holidays.
I am sure that God will continue to bless you. His faithful, loving family,

Adriana said...

Amen.....We conintue to pray for your family. Janelle we need to do coffee......please call.

JMV Healthcare Garage said...

your blogs are great to read. i'm always amazed how you see God's blessings in the little things when you have to deal with so many big things....
hugs for all, marci
PS - friday nite work or sat afternoon?