Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I am now a mother to a 12 year old. The fun is starting for our family. Already I noticed the maturity go to a new level when Kourtney told me how many girls she invited to her birthday party. I thought it was so cute when her list kept getting bigger and bigger. Gone are the days of the formal invites.

Kourtney's Birthday was on Sunday. I have been mulling over in my mind what I could write but the words did not arrive to my mind. I thought I would provide a tear jerker for everyone to read but honestly I could not form the thoughts in my head. As you all know we didn't think we would see this 12th birthday, but there we were on Sunday celebrating with 20 people. I couldn't take away the celebration by reminiscing about the year gone by. Kourtney's birthday has become a milestone and it needs to be celebrated just like every other child; no dressing change included.

We had a lovely, warm fall day. The girls hung around the pool and the hottub, ate a lot of food and cotton candy (we rented Kourtney's favourite - a cotton candy machine). One of our friends, local singer/songwriter, Chris Janz, wrote a song for Kourtney and serenaded her in our backyard. There weren't too many dry eyes around the circle. (Chris is planning to record it - maybe it will be a hit soon).

The day turned out to be a huge success and everyone including Kourtney had a wonderful time.


We still have not received any news about Kourtney's new medication so we are still waiting to hear from the Minister of Health and also the companies that make EPO to see if they will give a compassionate supply to Kourtney. Keep praying!!

A Big But!!! We did manage to get Kourtney started on it on Saturday. I was at work looking through my emails, I was telling one of the nurses about our whole situation with the EPO. She told me that her mom was on it but her mom died in May. She had cleaned up most of her mom's stuff but wasn't sure what to do with the EPO left over. I think God had told her not to throw it out. So...we have enough to get Kourtney started on it and last us 3 weeks. God answers our prayers not like we expect him to but in His Time and In His Ways. Thanks for your prayers and your continued prayers.


Ellie said...

I want to wish Kourtney a belated Happy Birthday! I'm so happy that she had such a wonderful day on Sunday. I'm also so glad to hear that you managed to get the EPO for Kourtney, even if it is only for a few weeks. I continue to pray that God will find a way to provide this medication for Kourtney. God has blessed you with this wonderful child for the past 12 years and will ensure that she is taken care of for many more years.

Sheila and Timbo said...

Glad you had a great day!!