Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What I learned from my 30 days.

Now that my challenge is over I need to take a few seconds and reflect on how it has changed me. I have so much to do before I leave tomorrow for Arizona but I had to take the whirling thoughts in my head and put them "on paper" before I start into the business of the day.

The success of my 30 day challenge is not about putting my forehead to my knee or touching my head to my toes. The true success has been about commitment. I know I have inspired my own child that you can do anything that you can set your mind to it, no matter how much it hurts and how tired you are. I hope I have inspired other people to live life to the fullest, be true to yourself and look after yourself.

I realize that not everyone can be committed to doing yoga for 30 days, but a 30 day challenge can be about 30 day commitment to 15 minutes of reading, flossing your teeth, waking up 10 minutes earlier, scheduling your day better, and list goes on. All I know is that when the physical aspect of the body is working well, life seems to be a lot better for me.

The most important aspect that I want to share about is my faith in God. I really don't know where I would be if I didn't have my faith and have God in the centre of my life. If I didn't believe in a God that was sovereign (all knowing), I wouldn't be where I am today. I don't think I could ever accept Kourtney's suffering if I didn't believe that Kourtney was created in God's image. I know that God has never left me even when I felt the most despair in my life, it was only I wasn't allowing to give Him the control. Once I took the control out of my hands and fell flat on my face and ended up in the hospital, I was able to process Kourtney's suffering much better. I live every day to the fullest and don't fear what is behind me or in front of me, because I know God is good and he is watching over me!! What a safe place to be.

The other day I received a "verbal badge of honour" from someone that has followed our story from the day Kourtney was born. As much as I wanted to take the credit for all the kind words, I couldn't because I know that it has been my faith that has put me in the place where I am today. I came home crying. Todd thought, "Oh boy she has gotten in trouble at work again," but I sobbed as I told him how overwhelming it was that we have have been entrusted with such a fragile child and how God has used her life to bring Glory to Him.

For those of you who are trying to do it all, or those who can't make sense out of life, take time to start getting to know God and the promises that are available to you. Don't let your preconceived ideas about being a Christian get in your way of knowing Christ. Really you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. You can do anything through Christ who gives your strength. That is my moto and I am sticking to it!!


Anonymous said...

Janelle, this is your best blog yet. We have seen what you go through on a daily basis and the enormous commitment to maintaining Kourtney's health. You haven't just completed a successful 30 day workout, you have completed a 12 year marathon. We are excited about sharing your Arizona adventure with the other Kujawa families. We love and admire you.

Anonymous said...

god is good!i'm so proud of you<3
btw(this is karen (customer service from metrotown)