Thursday, September 15, 2011


This week has been cooler and everyone seems to have settled into their school routines. Shae is happy in the morning commuting to MapleRidge with her dad. She loves her new friends and her teacher at school. So far no complaints except from me,  I miss her so much. I loved having her so close to me, picking her up for lunch and taking the dog out to meet her at the end of the day. The dog is definetely confused and always looking longingly at her leash. But it makes me very happy to be assured that her emotional saftey is looked after.
Kourtney is thriving at school, enjoying everything about highschool. She is going to the gym everyday, working out on the eliptical, exercise bike and walking the track. This helps out with her whole outlook on life. Our new caregiver Kim is making  Kourtney's morning routine a very pleasant experience! I have to remember to keep perspective, right now Kourtney's quality of life is so great, I have to be careful not to focus in on the skin but focus on how well she is doing emotionally! This weekend Kourtney is going on a retreat with her school. She is going with Lorraine our caregiver, this is a momentous occasion because Todd and I are not going with her. Scarey? Not at all, we are so excited for her to be with her peers! We thank God for this oppourtunity  for her we are praying it will be very positive!
 In 3 weeks we are headed to Alberta for a family reunion! We are doing the drive through the mountains, we are excited about going and reuniting with our family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi kourtney, How does it feel to be a "highschooler?"
It sound like a great start to the year for you. Have a wonderful time at your retreat and remember Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. So have a fun filled week-end and laugh a lot!! MH