Thursday, September 15, 2011


Sunday September 11th,
Summer has finally arrived in BC. Today hit a sweltering 30 degrees. Days like this make me sweat just thinking about what to do with Kourtney on days like today! Today was no different and believe me today was one of those days that I feeling yelling out to the whole world that having a special needs child is sooo isolating!
Ok before I start I do believe there were an army of amazing people that helped me out today and came to my emotional rescue, Angela, Flo, Carolyn ,Scott, Shannon and Tania. You guys were amazing today and THANK-YOU for what you did for me today. OF course Grandma Bev and Grandpa Dave were there ever supportive selves today-and for amazing grandparents we are thankful.

So today was our fall kickoff at church. It was an outdoor church at our stadium here in Abbotsford. I was  anticipating that Kourtney would not do well in the heat and hesitated bringing her but we love to go to the fall kickoffs because it is an awesome way to reconnect with people from the summer. We got there and Kourtney was instantly hot, and we knew it was not going to turn out well. We lasted for 15 minutes in the heat and went and found shade. Scott Ediger, bless his heart gave us a water bottle with a fan that Kourtney could spray herself. Thanks Scott- we will give it back to you.

After the service a picnic was planned, there was so many people I wanted to connect with! Shaelyn pushed Kourtney in her wheelchair to where I was chatting with people in the direct sun, and she was crying because she was so hot. I was so frustrated because she could have stayed in the shade, but instead she just wanted to go. Of course she did, but I wanted to stay! We cut our time short and I think many people could "sense" my frustration. This has been the story of our lives, Kourtney's needs come before ours so many times and has created social isolation for our whole family. In some ways it would have been better just to stay home, but then getting out is nice but then it just brings out the worst in all of us. 

We ended up going to the Old Spagetthi factory with Dave and Bev, and enjoyed being with them after that we had friends over for a swim and a good old game of keep away!

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