Friday, February 17, 2012

Proud mama!

Things went very smoothly except for the 3 hour delay! Kourtney programmed my iPhone and we played games as we waited patiently for the surgery. The results from the surgery were notable as soon as kourtney took her first swallow and no longer does she sound like a clogged drain. There is a flip side to this positive story. Kourtney had to get a blood transfusion last night as her hemoglobin has crashed to 75 ( 120) is the normal range. So despite the iron and epo her body just can't produce enough! This brings many memories of 3 years ago, but her skin is in much better shape and we are not dealing with MRSA, but a new bug has been isolated which appears treatable with regular antibiotics! We are hoping that the transfusion and antibiotic Combo will be enough to get her over her hump! It is climbing to the summit that is the worse! I do have to say I am extremely proud of Kourtney she advocated for herself and was very engaging with the nurses and doctors,to me seeing her in action is a sign of wellness as well! She was extremely tired tonight, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her! I am tired and want to go to bed! Goodnight!!!!!

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