Wednesday, February 1, 2012


We went to Kelowna for the weekend. Such a wonderful getaway for a family. We went tubing at Big White and played in the winter wonderland!  I do love the snow! It is always a delight to see Kourtney squeal with delight as she goes down the runs twisting and turning.

On February 16th Kourtney will have an esophageal dilatation done. They will first inject dye into her to see where her stricture is and then open it up by sticking a catheter down her and using a balloon to dilate the narrowing. Kourtney is actually looking forward to this, as she has to swallow three times just to drink on sip of water. She had this procedure done 5 years ago. After her recovery, a trip to the Olive Garden for bread sticks is planned!!

Today I  was at work.  I was once again reminded why I go to work - I work with some of the most amazing coworkers - ever . . . and I mean ever. It is an oasis. Delivering babies has got to be one of the most rewarding careers ever! You know the pain is temporary, you can give medication to help stop it, there is a huge prize at the end, and when you are uncertain there is always someone you can ask. Not at all like the life of living with a child with EB, or any disabled child for that matter.  Yes it is challenging at times, but I don't think I could ever ask for a better job!

Kourtney's hard work paid off . . . she is an A honour roll student!! Not bad for the first semester of high school!

Here are the pictures of the girls rooms decorated!!  I promised pictures and delivered.

Shaelyn's Bright Green Room!

Kourtney's Pretty Pink Room.

1 comment:

Peter said...

I can't find your email anywhere.
I've looked then time went by now yikes it's getting close for Kourtney's next big visit.
I have some emails for you to check some procedures.