Sunday, March 1, 2009

When it rains. . . it pours. . . then floods!!!

It is Janellle!! I got home from a night shift and Todd reported to me about the awful night he encountered with Kourtney. I had a busy night at work and although my heart once again felt heavy for my daughter, I was able to fall asleep with ease. (I do believe that is the beauty of antidepressants). During my sleep, I encountered a visit from Zazu, who happened to open my closed door "all by himself." (I found out later that Shaelyn had snuck into our room to get some candy and forgot to close the door.) I then heard Shaelyn yelling about a commotion in the kitchen. . . and I continued to snooze.

I was greeted at 3pm by my smiley, happy husband, and when questioned how the day went he said, "terrible." Not only did Kourtney continue to choke all day. . . our fridge's ice maker broke and flooded our entire kitchen and leaked downstairs into the garage. Todd took it all in stride . . .and we joked about the broken waters at home. I was so thankful that Dave and Bev had been here and Dave (Mr. Fix It ) came to the rescue and helped diagnose the source of the problem.

Todd's reaction to this whole situation was amusing. I do believe that grief and humour are so closely related and sometimes when life is dismal the emotions of grief can turn on the humour. Definitely what happened today.

Kourtney is a bit better. I do believe a lot of her choking issues are due to a postnasal drip. Todd bought her a Slurpee and it helped to loosen things up in the back of her throat. (It is always a guessing game.) Just pray for Sleep tonight . . . Kourtney needs to try and relax and that will help loosen up her esophagus and help her swallowing. Pray for Peace for her. Presently her emotions are so up and down and it is very difficult for us to know what is normal 11 year old behaviour and and what behaviour is compounded by her EB. She will be seeing the psychologist this week at the hospital. We are praying that she will feel free to talk openly about how she is feeling. Todd and I will see the hospital Chaplain. He has been an amazing sounding board for us and we feel he has great insight into the dynamics of having a chronically ill child. He has been able to bring us perspective and direction.

Pray . . . for a peaceful sleep tonight. We can all use it.


Anonymous said...

May you all get a good night sleep and that K is feeling better. Hope to see you at school tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

praying for you guys

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking of you all. Your journey inspires us all to keep moving forward. We Think of you often.