Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Last night I worked came home with the "unknown" looming on my mind. Had a restless sleep and then received good news all at the same time. Kourtney's hemoglobin is the highest it ever has been. This is great news of course because of the sabbatical from the iron infusions. The news continues to get better.

A very articulate angel in disguise presented Kourtney's case to the committee and although seeing eyes weren't made blind, her words fell onto very open hearts. We received a very fair and more than adequate contract that will maintain 2 out of our 3 caregivers in our home. This has come as a huge relief for all of us. It means we can continue on with "our normal" life and we can continue to employ Mona on a full time basis.

So what is up next with the Kujawa's . . . I can now start my countdown to 40. Stay tuned.


Flo said...

Wow ... great news re: Kourtney and a huge blessing re: MCFD. Huge weight lifted, right? Been praying and will continue, that's for sure. You so deserved this great day.

Michelle said...

Thanks such great news!!!! (That's an understatement!)
I love this picture of this picture of you lovely ladies! Just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Great News!! i am sure it took lots of burden off many minds... and What a beautiful picture! Courtney looks happy since Laxi is included in the picture as well.

Bree said...

I looked at all of the pictures from Arizona! It looked like you had a lot of fun! I missed you on Friday. Can't wait to see you Monday! Have a good rest of the weekend!

swilek said...

great news janelle! i forgot you had a blog too, so i added you to my bloglines feed! i haven't posted in a week but hopefully tomorrow!