Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sigh . . .

This week is a bit brighter for all of us. Everyone in our household is lighter and happier. I feel like the depression cloud is starting to wane and I am able to sort things out a lot easier. We took our weekly trip to Costco yesterday. I didn't have my purse and Todd forgot his wallet. Instead of being upset I went home and got my purse, Todd shopped, and the girls went to the book aisle and looked at books together. I was able to come back and pay for the goods that we bought and didn't have to wait in line. The girls are getting along so well lately; they sit together in the van and giggle, Shaelyn has decided she likes to sing as well so they are starting to sing together. Last year Kourtney could not stand it when Shaelyn was even close to her. Most of the time Shaelyn sat in the back seat of the van because they just could not get along. I love hearing them laugh with each other and cherish their "sister times" together.

I have started my challenge, this one is totally different than the one I did in February. I have decided to take charge of my life again. The biggest area is organizing, communicating and meal planning with my family. Sunday is the day that we will all sit down and talk about our week: what it looks like, when dressing changes will be and what we want to eat for meals that week. I feel like when life gets so busy that I need to connect with my family and try to come up with the "shape of the week". People may think this may be the control freak in me coming out but I feel that with my family there is no middle ground. Control freak or complete chaos in the household that is what it is. I also am not trying to control my family but trying to regain control of my life which in turn will help out my family.
The Kujawa parties have started even before the opening our our pool. In the next two weeks I will be hosting 2 baby showers. Many people are expected at each party - I love doing parties. I am not Martha Stewart -maybe more Rachel Ray, a little more carefree. When our pool season starts, there will be an endless amount of hosting parties. I am looking forward to that!
I am still doing my yoga, but haven't done a lot of running. I am planning on starting this next week. I still want to do a half Marathon before I am 40. With the nicer weather I am so much more motivated. So . . . I am moving on to my next challenge. Having perspective is what I need, and taking charge of my life is the only way to continue on in life's journey.


Flo said...

Love the idea of meal planning, etc. You are inspiring me Janelle. I don't think that's a control freak but rather a Mom just trying to have a happy home and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Everyone will benefit from this new opportunity. So glad that the cloud has been lifting - been praying for that.

belshers said...

Doesn't everyone meal plan and organize there week.....?That's not
"contol freakness" ..that's survival mode for mom's who work and have kids.

belshers said...

Doesn't everyone sit down and meal plan and organize their week..... ?????That's not "control freakness" ... That's normal for working moms with kids who want to survive--well it's my normal.So Janelle in my eyes what you are doing is pretty normal and very smart. You "GO GIRL!!!!!"