Monday, June 18, 2012

Did I marry someone like my dad???

I heard a Chuck Swindoll broadcast a few years back and it said that the most important relationship that a woman can have on earth is the relationship with her dad.  This has stuck in my mind over and over again as Todd and I raise our two beautiful daughters. I know a blog on fathers day would have been so much more appropriate, the problem is we had such a amazing full day celebrating fatherhood that I didn't have anytime to blog.  I worked last night and have only slept 2 hours, so what better way to attempt to unwind!

I am certain if you were to meet my dad you would walk away with the biggest smile! My dad can make anyone around him feel special. He loves talking to people, whether it be standing in line in a grocery store, picking grandchildren up from school or most recently at the skipping tournament in Moncton. My dad makes people grin! He is so warm and interested in what is going on in peoples' lives, but most of all he is concerned about peoples' lost souls and where they will spend eternity. He always feels better after walking away from his conversations with a total stranger if he knows that that person loves Jesus. My dad also loves to talk on the phone.  His greeting, " Hhaallo Ralph" has been the brunt of many Lutzer family jokes, however, it is amazing how much all 6 of us have taken on this quirkiness in many shapes and forms.

Of course there were many times where an uninhibited father did not bode very well, especially during my teenage years. As much as we made fun of him he was did not falter or change who or what he was to try and be a "cool" dad.  I was a fashionista of sorts in the 80s and remember feeling very embarrassed when my dad dropped me off at school.  He wore a hat, with a feather on it, that sat on top of his head. Of course I was convinced that everyone was looking at it! My dad was unfazed by my embarrassment and continued wearing his feathered hat.  In so many ways this was a sign of what an unshakable man he was and still is today. My younger sister Sharon reminds me that she got dropped off a block before her high school- so maybe he was somewhat shakeable, or maybe just softer.  The one thing I knew though was that my dad loved me and was proud of his (Janarie) - my nick name growing up. He was a provider and most of all he was a leader . . . which became my quest in finding my man.
Todd helping my dad on the farm (before we were married).
 I often hear the saying that a girl marries someone like her dad. At first glance and maybe the second and third one would agree that Todd and my dad are not alike at all. Todd would rather spend his afternoon trimming scratchy cedar trees than talking on the phone. Todd is more introverted, my father is extroverted, but the one thing I know is Todd is unshakable - just like my dad! There is no grey, just very black and white. In this society it is unheard of. I see my girls roll their eyes and groan the same way I did with my dad, as quirky, or strange they think he is. I also know that one day when they are looking for Mr. Right, the relationship that is being established now will be a measuring stick for them! Happy Fathers Day!!!!

By the way! I am still doing well with my challenge. I am managing a great eating regime and still exercising daily!

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