Monday, February 9, 2009

Eye problems continue . . .

Sunday morning Kourtney woke up without crying, her eye problems had been alleviated, but mine were just beginning. I went to work and was told over and over again that my eyes were very red. One of the doctors told me it was allergies, but then they started getting goopy . . . how disgusting. So off to our family Doctor and it looks like I have a strep infection in my eyes (nice). The most interesting part of this is that all the years I have been looking after Kourtney I have never have had strep, staph or MRSA. Now that I am not involved in her direct care I get strep. Weird!! Now it is Tuesday, and my eyes are all better . . . so I am going off to work to do a night shift.

This morning Todd and Mona did a dressing change. We feel that Mona needs to stay current with the dressings, so once a week Kourtney will have her dressings done in the morning. It is also very nice to have a free evening also. I took a look at her back, and WOW, what a difference, it looks great. The honey dressings are working their magic on her back. Her swabs showed that she still has MRSA growing on her skin, and Todd and I both feel another round of antibiotics would really aid the healing. We will find out soon what the decision is. She just told me this is the first time in months she hasn't had pain (ya!!!).

Kourtney came home from school very happy today. She loves school and life. Shaelyn has also settled into a great routine and her teacher has commented on her happy disposition now.

So . . . life's new normal, is becoming routine. We are planning a trip to Disney World with Make A Wish in the early spring. It gives our girls something to look forward to. Todd is keeping himself busy finishing up projects in the house and I am starting to train for a 1/2 marathon.

Thanks to you all for your support and encouragement. It has been a long grueling few months but all in all we have become stronger, more resilient, and have put a great team in place for managing Kourtney's care.


Anonymous said...

I am also glad that Kourtney is back at school! I really enjoy working with her. Janelle call me if you want a running partner.

Anonymous said...

Glad your eyes are all better! It was great working with you on Sunday, I'm so glad to have you back at work.

I'm happy to hear that Kourtney is healing nicely too and that the pain is better. Things are looking brighter.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kujawas, we need to get together soon! I am thankful that we can keep up to date by reading your blog but we really need to see you too!

Love, The Pauls

Megan Barron said...

hey janelle, when are you planning on doing the disney thing? I live three hours away and would LOVE to see you guys!