Sunday, February 22, 2009


It has been over a week since my last blog entry. No news is good news. The drama in our house is starting to settle down. The last 2 dressing changes have given us a reason to be cautiously optimistic that Kourtney's skin is starting to show signs of gradual improvement (it really hasn't gotten any worse since our trip to Mexico). The last 2 baths have been the least painful she has had in months. She also bought herself a Wii Fit and it has helped improve her posture and is decreasing the stiffness in her hips. Last week Kourtney was called up by our music pastor at church to record a demo song for our KidsTown group at church. Kourtney loves to sing and felt privileged to a record a song with her friend Jennifer (our music pastor's daughter). She is keeping herself busy with school and at the present moment is working on her speech for school.

Todd continues to be off work, and is continuing his active participation in doing the dressings and taking care of Kourtney's needs. He also has managed to do some projects around the house including a repairing damage to a wall and carpet caused by a leaky tap and a poorly constructed planter in the front of our house.

Shaelyn is excelling in school and is getting top marks in all her subjects. She has Madagascar 2 memorized and loves to talk like Moto Moto. She has great memories of her Uncle Carlin and girlfriend (now wife) Stacey being here and going to that movie with them. Zazu (our foster cat, or adopted cat) is her constant companion and has been staying clear of her fish bowl. This week I was listening to "praise 106.5" and someone called in about a cat that they had adopted. They tried to find the owner but could not locate them. The husband was not a cat lover but eventually became very attached to the cat and the cat attached to him. I found this story so interesting and relieved we were not the only ones that had fallen for a stray cat. I did not catch the person's name but found out this weekend that it was my friend Carla that called in. She had not read our blog and I had not told her about Zazu, yet we had exactly the same story (except it was me that did not like the cat).

I have returned to work, and love working in maternity more then before. The new hospital makes a huge difference and allows for a very positive birthing experience for the moms. I love the babies and encouraging the moms through labour. I also received a very encouraging email this week from someone and it totally made my day.

1 comment:

Love Guatemala said...

We will continue to pray for patience, wisdom, happy thoughts and joy in your hearts.
Phil and Judy Bergen
Love Guatemala