Thursday, December 6, 2012

She is Home

Kourtney is home!  She looks and feels better, the shade of grey is now gone and some colour has returned to her face, her pain is under control, and she is gaining weight. She just showed me how she can swallow her milk in one gulp (pre-dilatation it was 5-6 swallows. I might have to retract my statement about the radiologist . . . first time in years she has been able to do that). Her skin took a beating . . . the cycle begins.

There are still not a lot of answers as to what really started this crisis.  G-tube feeds running through her (dumping syndrome), a gastrointestinal bleed, chronic wound infections, inflammation; more than likely a combination of all the above. All we know is this road to recovery will be long and arduous.

If you have been following our blog for the last couple of years, most of you know that 4 years ago we went through a similar, yet different, crisis. This time we have been fortunate to have the PICC line to get the necessary blood work, treat the underlying infection on her skin, and save numerous painful IV pokes. We know so much more about Kourtney than we did last time and are able to treat her better. I have seen Kourtney get better but I know what is in store for us.

I also feel that being in our community hospital, we tapped into invaluable resources for our family; counselling, child psychiatrist, social workers, nursing support, as well as some amazing friends.  (I told the psychiatrist that he opened up a lot of open wounds for me.  He just smiled and said, "That's my job." ) These people are very aware of my rock bottom experience and are helping our family get through this crisis. It will save numerous trips into Vancouver as well so we can have the closer to home approach. 

Next week Todd and I will take Kourtney into Children's for more blood work. If it's all ok then I feel the PICC should come out as it is a big source of infection, and then we face the long road ahead for healing and building up Kourtney's strength again. Knowing that Kourtney has not gotten worse in the last 10 days of hospitalization makes me optimistic. This week though will be a long week . . .

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