Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 15th - lost track of my countdown.

Dr. C, being a man of his word, organized Kourtney's surgery for tomorrow. It has given us little time  to process it. It's a whole new chapter of EB that we have entered. Kourtney is angry. I can't and won't try and reconcile her anger; she needs to be there. She has faced so much loss and this one is unimaginable for her to process.

The only thing that brought a smile to Kourtney's face today was hearing her uncle and aunt from Kelowna are making a special drive out  here to see her. Uncle Wonderful always has something to say and it doesn't matter if we want to hear it. Aunt Charlotte on the other hand asks the right questions and never hesitates to invite herself into Kourtney's dressing changes and nighttime routines. We look forward to them coming. 

By tomorrow it will be over, we will mourn the loss of that tiny hand, but we will celebrate that the cancer will be gone.

We won't be taking no cancer to Disneyland with us.

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