Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Kourtney was admitted today with ?? possible septicemia. All her regular doctors were away, but Dr. C.'s fellow was our surrogate today. Kourtney got admitted to the floor where we like the nurses. Her favorite nurse is on tonight.

About our trip . . . we will know more tomorrow. Kourtney is extremely frustrated and is in a lot, I mean a lot of pain. We are hoping the IV antibiotics will work.

I asked for a God arranged day and it was, even the IV (started by yours truly on my first try) - the IV nurse took 3 stabs and couldn't get it so I took over. (I told you, my fellow workers, I am way more competent with the tiny veins of children, not the nice vascular veins of a pregnant woman.)

Blood work. Hemoglobin is the highest it has been in probably years. White Blood Cell Count is elevated (bad news = possible infection).

We will keep you updated. Our internet connection is not working in our room.


John and Kim Fleming said...

Praying God takes away the pain, and gives your family the strength they need.

Tammy said...

Hang in there Todd Janelle Shae and Kourtney! Thinking of you and hope to see you home REALLY soon!

Amy said...

Praying for a miraculous recovery for Kourtney...and supernatural strength for you and Todd!! Keep us updated as we continue to intercede for all of you!

Love & prayers!

Flo said...

Praying :)

Ellie said...

I'm sorry to hear that Kourtney may have another infection, I'll continue to pray for a miraculously speedy recovery. Only God knows why these things happen and there is always a reason for everything. Maybe he is telling you that this is not the time to be traveling. I hope NOT but only time will tell. Big Hugs to all of you!

belshers said...

As always we continue to pray and I pray that Kourtney will recover. I also pray for many miracles to happen today and that the continuous Grace of God be very visible to your family today.

Tammy said...

May today be a much better day for all of you

Lori Bourne said...

I'm praying for you right now, and I called my mom - she'll call my dad too. May you feel God's peace in a very real way, Janelle. I hope they are able to treat this quickly.

Much love,

Coco said...

Praying still...