It is Tuesday, 0643 (est). 0343 Bc time. Kourtney is with Todd and I in our hotel in Toronto and Shaelyn is with Laura in another room close by. Kourtney is awake; she’s too excited to sleep.
Last week, when we were at Children’s Hospital, the psychiatrist suggested to Kourtney that she leave her anxiety “dragons” behind in Abbotsford and not bring them to Disney World.
Kourtney woke up Tuesday morning feeling completely miserable. She was complaining of sore eyes and a sore body. To add insult to injury the dressing change needed to be done. The bath ranked among one of the Top 10 Worst Baths Ever. I really started to question my sanity in taking this broken child to Disney World. I felt Peace though in knowing that she could only get better if we went. After the dressing change Kourtney was complaining of pain, and crying. The arrangements for the fire truck escort to the Abbotsford Airport were made and our family continued to press on.
When the firemen arrived at our house, Kourtney cried even harder and started to crumble to pieces. She didn’t want to have pictures taken and didn’t want to go near the fire truck. I believe at that point not only did I question my sanity, but everyone else, including the fire men, were wondering what we were doing taking this child to Disney World. (I knew what they were thinking).
Shaelyn was of course over the top with excitement and the arrangements were made for her to go with Todd in the fire truck. Instantly, there was this change in Kourtney (not to be out done by her sister), and she said she was going. She got on the fire truck (the sore back seemed to disappear very quickly) and off they went. Laura and I got our own fireman to escort us in the van. The anxiety dragon not only was left at home, but, as Shaelyn has coined the phrase, “It got kicked in the nuts.”
When we got to the Abbotsford Airport we were greeted by the Abbotsford News and Kourtney was whisked away by a reporter. The firemen and WestJet staff took our luggage and checked us in while Kourtney was having her little interview. Kourtney had a little press conference and looked adorable dressed from head to toe in a Lululemon outfit. The control freak in me wanted to make sure that the right suitcases were put on the plane but I let go yesterday and enjoyed watching my daughter articulating telling her story to the Abbotsford News (something she does well).
The airplane ride to Toronto was a milk run through Calgary and a 6 hour process. Surprisingly enough the only thing that Kourtney was complaining about in Toronto was being hungry. We chuckled as we watched her down a grilled cheese sandwich and a 1/2 litre of milk. Her appetite has been insatiable lately which is very unusual for Kourtney, but is a known side effect from one of her pain meds.
Todd and I shook our heads in disbelief and both felt relieved that Kourtney was able to leave behind her pain and face this trip with courage. Really, if you saw her skin I don’t believe that anyone would question why she would have pain. I also believe that a change is always better then rest.
We are off to Orlando this morning. We will arrive in the heat of the day . . . looking forward to a great time!!!
I am not in Sane!!! Janelle
let me assure you, by the time she actually sees disney for the first time, it will feel like she has no disease at all. Thats how it was for me. She will be THRILLED. An escape is just the thing. can't wait to see you guys!!!
That is great news!!! I laughed out loud at the "kicked it in the nuts" part. Way to go, Shae!!!
I wish you all the most amazing vacation.
Space Mountain all the way BABY!
Love the picture! Kourtney you are so beautiful. Miss you already as I am sure you miss me too!! LOL
You are all going to LOVE Disneyland!
You do look great in this picture Kourtney! Janelle, I think you're amazing!
So glad to see your sense of humour always shining through and are not insane!!! So...glad you are on your way! Know that we are praying for a wonderful vacation and well deserved time away! Have a blast...can't wait to hear about it all!!
Stunning picture Kourtney - you look so beautiful in it not to mention grown up!! Sheila and Tim xx
Hey Kourtney,
I miss you like crazy! I hope you enjoyed reading at all the cards the class made for you. I have been constantly praying for. I am so glad to know you are feeling better. I hope you have an awesome time in Disney World! I can't wait to hear more about your trip. God bless you!
Hey cupcake buddy! Hope your having fun!
So happy for you....I know that you will have a great time.
Thanks again for the bandages...the clinics here sometimes leave you speechless!
Bless you guys and we will be praying for a pain free trip.
Phil and Judy
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