Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bad Day = Bad Night

We had such a rough night last night. Kourtney continued to spike fevers, she had so much pain and she was vomitting all night. Todd and I are taking her to Children's today for some appointments. Please pray that we will see the right people today to know what to do with her. I am so exhausted I am relying on a God arranged day today.

Just all before DisneyWorld!!!! We are very discouraged.


Lori Bourne said...

Praying for you right now...hope Kourtney gets better soon.


Tammy said...

Thinking of you today. I sure hope that things get better really soon! Hang in there :)

Coco said...

I too will be praying for all to go well, for peace of mind, health, and a wonderfully magical vacation.

Praying now,

Ellie said...

I'm sorry to hear that Kourtney isn't feeling good. I'm praying it isn't anything too serious. You guys need this getaway to happen. Please tell Kourtney that Brenna is thinking of her too.