Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 10 -Hitting the Wall

Ok all of you it is day 10 and there isn't a lot of comments!! Let me know how you are doing! TodayKourtney was having a bad morning and didn't want to go to school. I told her that I didn't want to go to yoga at 0600 am but I got out of bed for her. Everyday Kourtney wakes up to pain and somedays just does not want to fight it, she would rather just curl up in a ball and stay in bed ( that is what weekends are for). If you are not motivated for yourself, be motivated for Kourtney, no matter how busy your life is make yourself uncomfortable. If you live within your comfort zone you will never grow as a person. Stretch yourself it makes a huge difference.
I did double yesterday and double today and hopefully on Friday. That way I am all caught up for this next set of shifts coming up. My second class of the day is surprisingly the best one, my muscles are so warmed up that they stretch a lot easier.My jeans are fitting a whole lot better these day, 10 days and I a beginning to feel the benefit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Janelle, You are awesome. Your commitment to your family and yourself are to be admired. I have had two days off and have to make up for it tomorrow. Kourtney, keep going. You are our special butterfly.