Monday, November 24, 2008

Blown Away!!!

Today was a better day for Kourtney. She was her perky self during the half dressing change. I had peace today....thanks to all who are praying. I found out some even more amazing news read on!!!
Making a difference - Our World

Comvita and US woundcare partner Derma Sciences,

donate medical honey dressings and products to DebRA,

an international charitable organisation supporting the

Butterfly Children - sufferers of Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB).

These children are born with skin as fragile as a butterfly’s

wing which can blister at the slightest touch. Normal dayto-

day life can cause constant pain and scarring, which, in

the worse forms, leads to eventual disfigurement, disability

and often early death. EB cannot be

cured, however Comvita’s medical honey

is proving beneficial for healing lesions with

minimal scar tissue. DebRA provides specialist EB

nursing, funds extensive medical research and provides

counselling, welfare, respite and advocacy. Comvita’s

Medical team in the United Kingdom are also supporting

DebRA in a volunteer fundraising sporting event.


Anonymous said...

Things are sounding better for you. So glad to hear that you are having a good day!! See you tomorrow.

Adrienne said...

Hey Janelle
Found you blog..thought I would follow and find out ways we can pray more specifically. I am still a rookie at this. Will chat again