Monday, November 10, 2008


On Sunday Kourtney's fevers persisted. They were coming one on top of the other and advil wasn't lasting long enough. I was laying on the couch, when this lightening bolt struck me. I had been giving Kourtney Manuka Honey in her gtube and had stopped just when the fevers started. I also had her on an antibiotic during that time so I thought that it was working. I found out in the hospital that she is actually resistant to that antbiotic. So it hit me that it was actually the Manuka Honey working for her. So I gave her fevers in over 24 hours now. She has not been on antibiotics now for over 3 weeks.

Kourtney is still very sore and very weak. Please pray for patience and wisdom in getting this child better. She told me that going back to her school with her friends would give her a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I am giving her realistic goals to look forward to. One day at a time.



Coco said...


My sweet friend, you are an amazing woman and and amazing mom. I appreciate all that you have written over the past few days (I just got caught up) and am reminded again of what a wonderful woman of faith you are. You know, God can move mountains, and I believe that He can also cure EB. That is my prayer for Kourtney and your family. Thank you for being real and sharing your heart. It helps to know how to pray and what to pray. Chin up, sister...when you are weak, He is strong. You have an army behind you who will help you march on. You are so loved and so appreciated.

Big hugs,
Corina :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow - Janelle - you guys are on one huge journey... learning things you never before had to ever think about. My heart goes to you and the family as you have soooo many ups and downs; joys and disappointments; happy and sad times; the emotional roller coaster of turmoil is exhausting I'm sure. The faith in which your family surrender to is a testimony of your strength and peace. There is life past the "manna" - be encouraged that the desert days will end. You are an amazing committed mom to Kourtney - God is just as committed to you and Kourtney. Thank you for sharing your journey with us... I just learned about your blog today at work. We miss you here - but know that you are using your talents with a very precious little woman!!

Much empathy - Jacquie deKroon

miksha said...

Praise Bee!
Praying for you four. Thanks for opening your heart and showing us your faith and struggles.
Love you