Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Post Transfusion

Last night Kourtney got her blood transfusion. After 3 missed IV starts, she was fit to be tied by the end. She was very restless last night as she was getting it and woke up very sweaty. Today will be a quieter day. The psychologist will talk to Kourtney and I individually today. The dressing changes are being done only every 3 days. It really is nice not having to face that mountain every day.

We can not believe that last February-July, Kourtney did not have to wear any dressings at all. Now almost every area requires something. This infection has outsmarted everyone. I am just hoping and praying that we will find the a good plan to outsmart this bug. Eventually we are told that it will simply disappear. We are praying that it does.

We are using the honey dressings. They are soothing and healing. Just pray that they continue to work really well. It is just going to be a long couple of weeks.



Anonymous said...

Hey Janelle, remember this?: Exactly 4 years both Kourtney and Mason were doing very poorly. As we were talking about all that was going on, you said, "I guess we're in the same boat today."
The next moment you burst into song - "With Jesus in the boat we can smile at the storm, smile at the storm, smile at the storm!"

We were two mom's with tears running down our faces when we both burst into laughter.

I have thought of that day, so many times, over these last few months, while thinking about you . So I want to encourage you with your own words!
Jesus IS in your boat, and you CAN smile at the storm. Belt out the song, girls! :)

Anonymous said...

This are going to get better from here on in. Keep your chins held high and keep smiling

Todd, Janis, Paige said...


I had no idea what was going on with Kourtney. I'm praying that she heals quickly, and that God gives her the strength she needs to get through this. We were just discharged from BCCH October 8th, so I have some idea of what it's like. Keep staying strong. We're here for you. Is there anything you need? We are at the oncology clinic on monday for an LP. Sounds like you'll still be there. Can we come for a visit?
(if you don't remember, I work in the NICU, used to work mat, and used to look after Cassidy Ediger)

Michelle said...

Hi Janelle,

I'm glad to hear that things are progressing in more positive direction this time! We didn't have to use the honey - but I packed it on our trip to Nelson last week just in case. Kira goes in for swabs today to see if the "superbug" is gone. I can only imagine what you must go through daily after my brief taste of this kind of thing. I think your strategy of faith and humor is what keeps you strong. I greatly admire your strength and courage and your willingness to put your faith in God and rely on His plans. I loved your story about the time change. Honestly though, I always think you look so fantastic so I can't imagine you not "fitting in" in Vancouver. Shaelyn was in great spirits last night as your "greeter" for pastorate. We missed you and are looking forward to having you back among us! Hope you both have a great day. Big hugs!