Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Tuesday, put me over the edge...

When I first arrived at the hospital I spoke with the nurses that help with the burn baths, they said there was no way that they could help with Kourtney's bath. I was directed to go to another area, and a smiling nurse greeted me and said, "We have the room ready for you." Hmmm I thought this was too good to be true. As fate would have it . . . it was. I asked about the bath tub and she had no idea Kourtney would need a bath. She told me I could start taking Kourtney's dressings off and then they would page the doctors to come in and have a look. (Kourtney's wounds are so extensive that she needs to soak in a tub for at least 20 minutes to 1/2 hour before the dressings can come off). I felt this sensation come over me . . . I was so humiliated, overwhelmed and in disbelief. I was so numb, all I said was I am taking her home....and I left.

As the numbness began turning into this overwhelming feeling of rage I phoned the Dr's office and thanked them for screwing up my day. (I phoned back the next day and apologized). I called Todd and he tried to get to the bottom of it, but because I left I was the one who was in trouble. So I got labelled . . . as a burnt out mom that needs counselling. Like all you blog followers haven't figured that out yet. The plastic surgeon went so far as to call our Abbotsford Pediatrician. I am not sure what was said, but I gather it was some choice words. But to tell you the truth, I didn't care. I am and will always be the best advocate for my child and I will not let the medical professionals put Kourtney through more pain just because there isn't enough staff, or because she is being "fit in" to accommodate Dr's busy schedules. I was told by the anaesthetist (from the chronic pain management team) there was a lot of rearranging of schedules that happened to see Kourtney that day. (As maternity nurses know, anaesthetists are always just fitting people in.) I fiercely retaliated that one.

Anyways, I ended up going to Dr. Traverse today (the Abbotsford Pediatrician). He told me I cannot fall apart. He told me that I should go back to work. The one thing that has kept me from falling apart is my work. If there is one thing that has kept my head clear, it is my job. I love the people I work with and am really excited about going to the new hospital. I didn't think I was mentally capable of going back. He couldn't give me advice about Kourtney but feels that her care needs to be at Children's and I have to stay part of the team, and not do what I did yesterday. So I have to go back to Children's on Friday and speak with Dr Caurtemanche and try to figure out the best way the team can communicate and stay connected, so what happened on Tuesday doesn't happen ever again.

So Friday...I am going to go in to Vancouver all by myself, Kourtney is going to go to school for the afternoon and Shae has a pro-d day and I believe she will spend that day with Grandma (Bev, I think I asked you but if I didn't let me know). I may go spend some time downtown . . . and just clear my head all by myself . . . I need to find the strength to move on and accept this new stage of Kourtney's disease. Parents with special needs children are in a constant state of grieving the process (my dear friend Shirley understands this and reminds me that I need to smile during the storm). Kourtney's infection has left me stuck in the denial, and anger phase. I need to once again find it within myself to accept that this nasty disease is way beyond my control and I can only do so much to help her. At this point I am useless to her because I am tired and traumatized by what I see every day. I have to try to find normalcy again and get into my regular routines of exercise, going back to work and being a wife and a useful mom to Shaelyn (as we are speaking, I just burnt her breakfast). I have fallen apart, and now after talking with Dr. Traverse, I have to get back on track for Kourtney's sake especially. Blogging has been the best way to put my feelings out there and describe the pain and anguish that we go through. Janelle is moving on . . . my heart is still heavy for Kourtney but I have to remain strong. I have to tough suck it up.

Thanks for all your comments . . . really your encouraging words give me strength to get through every day.

Kourtney continues to be very weak, but her back and skin are healing up nicely with the Vaseline, tea tree oil, honey and daily baths. Her baths get better every day, and I am just so thankful that I have Mona. She has been my best advocate and can make Kourtney laugh even during the most stressful times (she witnessed the event on Tuesday and drove home for me).

Janelle is coming back and still praying that Kourtney will be on the road to recovery also.


Anonymous said...

Hey Janelle,

It's Chris from Church (a.k.a KidsTown Chris). I wanted to write you and encourage you during this very dark time. Me and Jess, the church staff and kidstown volunteers are diligently praying for your whole family. We are praying for strength and for Kourtney's healing.

I heard a sermon a while ago by John Piper about adversity that has since become very dear to me. (You can find it on his website The sermon was actually a biography about the life of Charles Spurgeon. If you didn't know this, Spurgeon suffered a tremendous amount of trial in his life (physical, emotional and spiritual) and his wisdom on the subject is deeply encouraging. I have attached a few of his quotes that I thought might be life-giving to you at this time.

Speaking on his prayer life during extreme trial, Spurgeon said, "When I was racked some months ago with pain, to an extreme degree, so that I could no longer bear it without crying out, I asked all to go from the room, and leave me alone; and then I had nothing I could say to God but this, "Thou are my Father, and I am thy child; and thou, as a Father art tender and full of mercy. I could not bear to see my child suffer as thou makest me suffer, and if I saw him tormented as I am now, I would do what I could to help him, and put my arms under him to sustain him. Wilt thou hide they face from me, my Father? Wilt thou still lay on a heavy hand, and not give me a smile from thy countenance?"...So I pleaded, and I ventured to say, when I was quiet, and they came back who watched me: "I shall never have such pain again from this moment, for God has heard my prayer." I bless God that ease came and the racking pain never returned"

Speaking on how his trial blessed another person - "One Sabbath morning, I preached from the text, `My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?' and though I did not say so, yet I preached my own experience. I heard my own chains clank while I tried to preach to my fellow-prisoners in the dark; but I could not tell why I was brought into such an awful horror of darkness, for which I condemned myself. On the following Monday evening, a man came to see me who bore all the marks of despair upon his countenance. His hair seemed to stand up right, and his eyes were ready to start from their sockets. He said to me, after a little parleying, "I never before, in my life, heard any man speak who seemed to know my heart. Mine is a terrible case; but on Sunday morning you painted me to the life, and preached as if you had been inside my soul." By God's grace I saved that man from suicide, and led him into gospel light and liberty; but I know I could not have done it if I had not myself been confined in the dungeon in which he lay. I tell you the story, brethren, because you sometimes may not understand your own experience, and the perfect people may condemn you for having it; but what know they of God's servants?"

Speaking on resting from our labors - "It is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less. On, on, on for ever, without recreation may suit spirits emancipated from this
"heavy clay", but while we are in this tabernacle, we must every now and then cry halt, and serve the Lord by holy inaction and consecrated leisure. Let no tender conscience doubt the lawfulness of going out of harness for a while."

Janelle, please forgive some of the old english sayings, but I have have been greatly helped by his words in my own life. I know nothing of the terrible grief you are in and will not pretend to understand. But know that we are behind you 110%.

Also, I wanted to come for a visit on saturday if it works for you. Let me know when a good time is. (I have some treats to bring!)

From your Church family to you, May God Bless You!


Anonymous said...

Good luck to you tomorrow and when all is said and done have a great afternoon all by yourself! Thanks for the great afternoon I enjoyed it. Hope that you guys did too. Kourtney it was so good to be out in the real world with you. Like DVR said "You rock!" Have a great day tomorrow with your school freinds!!

Michelle said...

Janelle, I greatly feel for you and your family. You have more strength than you realize! I am so thankful that Dr. Traverse has given you this advice and you were so willing to listen to it. I have been praying for someone outside of your family to take some control for you.

By-the-way, I think your reaction the other day was very "normal". I understand why it is not recommended but I probably would have done the same.

Thinking of you tomorrow. I will pray for inner strength for you and wisdom and great empathy for your support team at Children's Hospital.

I think you're amazing, Janelle!
Big Hugs!

Coco said...

Hi Janelle,

I thought of you the entire time during Bible Study today (me, Kim, and Brigitta were here), and we prayed for you and your family too. I will drop by the DVD for you to watch. I found it to be a great encouragement to me today, and I hope it will be the same for you. You are an amazing girl...I'm blessed to have you as a friend.

Enjoy your day in the big city tomorrow.

Big Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Janelle,
My heart is breaking as I catch up on your week. Our family is praying for you, and for Kourtney, to find bits of joy throughout the dark days and struggles. I can't begin to imagine your daily life, and Kourtney's daily suffering. We continue to pray for healing.
Your strength amazes me. You have more than a right to crack, to feel and share frustration, and to release it. I will pray for renewed strength, and for wisdom and clear answers about your decision to go back to work, and trying to create a sense of normalcy again in your life. I pray for courage, and for tomorrow to go well.
We miss seeing you on Thurday mornings.
Love and prayers,

Todd, Janis, Paige said...

It amazes me how unempathetic health care workers can be. I suppose it didn't occur the them to consider your long commute to BCCH, or the trauma these dressing changes cause to you and Kourtney. I think it's terrible that they weren't totally prepared for you! Not only were they not prepared, but they didn't know what Kourtney needed! They obviously were not informed on her condition or they would never have asked you to take the dressings off without the bath!

Don't let them bully you Janelle. They have no idea what you're going through! And you have every right to be a burnt out mom! They should be doing everything in their power to make things easier for you!

Kourtney is lucky to have a lion for a mom. You need to roar loudly for her to get the medical attention she needs. Keep up the good work, and remember that we're all human!

Anonymous said...

Hi Janelle!
Thanks for blogging so we can all keep up with what is happening with you and your family. It is so intense! My thoughts and prayers are with all of you and especially Kourtney! We miss you here at work. Its different and sometimes crazy at the new hospital but its fun!! I hope you can come back and join us soon, even if just for the odd shift here and there!