Monday, December 15, 2008


Today my friend Sheila called me. Her mom Joyce Barnes (The Green Lady) passed away from a brain tumour. She was diagnosed about 18 months ago and she made a list of everything she wanted to do before she died . . . and she accomplished them all. She was the type of person that lived life to the fullest and touched every one that met her . I feel truely blessed to have known Joyce. She is the biggest reasons I pursued maternity nursing. She had such a passion for the "wee ones" and passed her passion on to her daughter, Sheila.

We are admitted at Children's. Kourtney will have her blood transusion tonight and the will get IV iron starting tomorrow. Hopefully, tomorrow we will go home. Today was definetely a day arranged by God . . . let me tell you. Ok I will . . .

Yesterday my inlaws, Dave and Bev, came over after they went to church and I was so tormented over Kourtney's blood loss during the dressing change and the fact that we would have to wait until Thursday to get anything done about it. It just seemed like everything was getting a little too close to Christmas, and during the holidays it becomes even more difficult to see specialists. Bev prayed for a miracle to happen . . . and after she prayed it was like the path was made very clear. Todd and I decided to take Kourtney to the ER in Abby and were dreading the wait, but just before we left, one of the doctors I worked with called our house for a totally different reason. He asked us how things were going and I told him I was bringing Kourtney in. He spoke to the pediatrician on call that day and shared our story with him. Minutes later, Kourtney was directly admitted. The pediatrician called Children's Hospital and spoke directly to the hematologist we were supposed to see on Thursday and directly to Dr Courtemanche who happened to be on call. They "concurred" that Kourtney should be brought in Monday am. It just seemed a bit too smooth after all that we had been through . . . our night was restless as we knew it was going to be a big day.

We (Todd, Kourtney and I) left for the hospital at 0630 this morning and were met by Dr Courtemanche in the ER. He arranged for us to be seen by more specialists today than during the 21 days we spent at Children's since August. It was like a revolving door of nothing but knowledgeable, capable people coming in and talking to us. The IV was put in by our own special anathtetist. The nurses were a bit put out by the fact that their own could not do the IV. II said, "Believe me you will thank me." I think they did . . .

The hematologist came in and talked with us for about an hour. I finally got a good understanding of Kourtney's anemia issues. Kourtney will be transfused tonight and then will start on parental iron (IV iron). The IV iron will only have to be given once a month, which is good news because IV access is such an issue for her. He also brought up the bone marrow transplant research that is being done in the states. He doesn't know a whole lot about it but will do research. Although he did state that he hasn't heard much about it and he is in touch with the place in Minnesota where it is being done. I am just glad to finally talk to someone who has a bit more of an "in" with this and is willing to look into things for us. I believe the door will be closed or a window will be opened into what is happening down in the states.

We also met with infectious disease doctors. Kourtney is now on a new antibiotic that should kill of almost everything growing on her skin. We are hoping that a combination of transfusion, antbioitics and maintenance iron will help her heal, and give her more energy. Finally we are hoping to see some light at the end of the tunnel!

We also had a long talk with our plastic surgeon, who seemed quite pleased with himself for arranging everything for us. He said that we should only deal with him from now on and he would arrange for Kourtney to be seen by everyone that needs to see her. They wanted to admit Kourtney overnight and were told there was no room, Dr Courtemanche made them shuffle the wards so that there was room for Kourtney. All in all, a long day, but a good day . . . I am just hoping to get a bed for tonight otherwise I will be cuddling with Kourtney.

Kourtney was in better spirits today. Dr Courtermanche walked in this morning and said, " How come you are not in school?" Her response was, " I don't know? You tell me." She is not nearly as flat as she was, I think she is starting to accept the school stuff abit more, and I actually think she is in less pain. She just needs to be perked up and her hemoglobin brought up (she was down to 65 today)

Yesterday I saw the girls from maternity . . . wow do I ever miss work. I am so hoping to get back there soon. Although a long day . . . it was a non-resident day for us.

The only thing that happened was that the lab messed up some of Kourtney's blood work, so she had to be poked again. The lab lady could not get the blood. I didn't say anything until I looked at Todd and his face was as white as a ghost as he was watching the needle go in and Kourtney was going over the top. I took a stab at it and got it . . . I really don't like doing that but sometimes it is the best.

Thanks for your prayers.....I am praying for a peaceful Christmas.


Flo said...

Wow ... there were definitely answers to prayer in this blog entry. Amazing how many things came together for Kourtney to be seen. Praise God for the work he is doing and continues to do. So thankful for you Janelle :)

Anonymous said...

The beginning of great and mighty things...still praying for restoration and healing.


Todd, Janis, Paige said...

I am so glad dr. davis was already aware of the BMT research. I just knew that things were going to come together. i really think he will take care of you. i continue to pray for you all!

Is the Joyce Barnes you're talking about the one who taught nursing? She taught me my maternity clinical, and inspired me to choose that as my specialty. i absolutely loved her! I can't believe she's gone! She was a very special lady, and will be terribly missed by everyone who met her.

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that you are finally getting somewhere! Sood luck to you and I hope to see you really soon.

Anonymous said...

Praise God for the answers to prayer Janelle. We will continue to pray for you and your family.

Sherry Knoppers

miksha said...

This is so encouraging! Praying for you dear friends. God's mighty hand is paving the road...

Coco said...

We are praying for the miracles to continue happening. We love you and are committed to praying for your entire family.

Anonymous said...

We are continuing to keep all of you in our prayers. Praise God for working out so many details in the past few hours.
Carrie Wachsmann

montessori_lori said...

Prayers and hugs from Chicago!


Anonymous said...

(((Kujawas))) Welcome Home.

Murray & Wendy MacKenzie said...

We're praying for you guys! Take care. I hope everything goes well for Kourtney. Thanks for the update on your blog!