Monday, December 1, 2008

The DAY....

This morning we sent Kourtney to school with Todd!! We got Kourtney up at 0630 and finished the dressings by 0815. (Todd had arranged to go in a bit late to accomodate) By noon Kourtney was doing ok.

Shaelyn has another cold, so she is home with me (she is loving the one on one time with me). She says she dreams of being back in kindergarten when I used to pick her up in the morning and we spent the whole afternoon together. I love having her with me and enjoy the cuddles and sharing french fries and coke with her.

Please pray that Kourtney's day will go smooth and she won't be too exhausted when she gets home.

1 comment:

Sheila and Timbo said...

hope kourtney had a good day. Great being able to see what is happening on the blog