Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jeremiah 33:3

As devastating as today was, the cultures of Kourtney's skin showed that the superbug is starting to lighten up but that there are some other things growing on her skin.These things on her skin are more treatable with antibiotics. The honey dressings seem to be helping the superbug. She is a host for bugs because her blood levels are so low.

We will now be going to hematologist (blood doctor) for Kourtney's severe anemia issues. The blood transfusion did help heal up her back and unfortunately she lost a lot of blood through all her open sores over the last month, so her body is not keeping up. Her bone marrow is not making red blood cells fast enough, she is getting enough iron but her marrow is tired and doesn't want to work overtime (it is not getting paid enough).

I would have given anything to speak to a hematologist in the summer when we found out Shaelyn was a bone marrow match to Kourtney. I just think it is interesting that now we are seeing one for totally different issues. I don't think it is a coincidence. I think it will give me the opportunity to ask questions and give him the information on the clinical trials that are taking place in Minnesota. I hope and pray that I will be able to convince this doctor that it may be a viable option for Kourtney and that her condition warrants some aggressive action. Please pray for this, it may be the miracle that everyone is praying for.
I can't get Jeremiah 33:3 out of my head....Call unto me, and I will show you great and mighty things....which you do not know. I am praying that we will see some amazing things in the next months to come.....I have to believe that there is something amazing that will happen through all of this. I need for all you to believe it with me. Thanks for all your support and encouragement, I do not take it for granted that there are many people who love and care for our family. Thanks to all of you.


Anonymous said...

I believe.

Anonymous said...

We're behind you Janelle, and are praying for your family. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Sherry Knoppers

Anonymous said...

Lets hope that this is the right path and that it will only get better from here!!! I feel very lucky to be a part of all this. You guys are great!!

Adrienne said...

definetly praying and believing!! thanks for sharing and making yourself so vulnerable on here. i think you are one amazingg mom!!