Sunday, December 14, 2008


Last night was a very rough night. Kourtney was extremely restless, despite the ativan. Through the night we gave her some meds for pain and I forgot to close the med port on her feed. (Kourtney is g tube fed and she gets her feeds through the night) and her feed leaked everywhere. She was complaining of being sweaty, and I thought she was having a fever, but in a weird kind of way I was relieved that it was her feed despite the mess it created. (Thank goodness for soaker pads!!!).

So today, I am trying to recover from the headache I got over night. Kourtney is still sleeping and Shae is curled up in bed watching a movie, and Todd is just trying to make sure his "ladies" are looked after today. My headache is mainly from being worried about Kourtney. Her quality of life has become so poor over the last 4 months, and we just can't get her out of crisis mode no matter how many visits to the hospital we do (and you know how many times we have been there). I am hoping and praying that the trip to the hematologist will start her on the road to recovery. We had her out last night and by the end of the evening every bone in her body hurt. She is stooped in her gait because everything hurts when she walks. She is supposed to be singing next week at church, but I am not sure she will be able to. She is looking extremely forward to the arrival of her Uncle Murray. Just the thought of her young uncle coming brings a huge smile to her face, as well as Shaelyn, who can't quite figure out which uncle he is (I have 3 brothers). I am just praying that Kourtney feels well enough to do some things while he is out here.

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