Friday, December 19, 2008

Cold . . . BRRRRR . . .

Today, the last day of school . . . we are all home warm and snug....! Kourtney had an OK day. Dressing change was a little brutal...! Kourtney is planning on singing this weekend in church. Hopefully we won't have a blizzard.

Keep praying. We definitely have been put to the ultimate test and now we are trying to put our family back together. There have been some really tough issues to sort through and make sense of. We don't expect to repair right away . . . just like Kourtney's back, it will take time, a lot of prayer, patience and insight into how best repair the collateral damage that has occurred as a result of our family being in crisis. We are being guided by a psychologist that knows Kourtney and is willing to take our family on.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Hey Janelle
We have all been praying and will continue to do so. Wishing you a Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family time this holiday!