Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Off to Childrens (again)

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night to find an email from my Manuku Honey guru, Ann. She sent me a testomonial for Manuka from a 22 year old girl with Kourtney's type of EB. This lady showed pictures of her back. I had seen this picture about a year ago, and was thankful that Kourtney only had a few spots on her back. Since the incident at the hospital when Kourtney's back so ripped up during a bath, this picture has been in my mind, and what has driven me to find something to get Kourtney's back into a semi normal state. Seeing this picture and comparing it to the ones I have been taking gives me a lot of hope that Kourtney's back will be healed.

Today we will be going to Children's for a dressing change. There will be many doctors around that want' to view the progress Kourtney's back.....! Kourtney is terrified and to tell you the truth so am I. I have spoken to Kourtney about her options for making this dressing change work. Our first option is giving her laughing gas as she is entering the tub and as her dressings are being taken off. If this doesn't work and she is hysterical we will than give her medication to lightly sedate her. Pray that she loves the laughing gas. I used the gas when I had both my girls and have incorporated into my practice as a maternity nurse and with the same outcomes for the most part. A loving relationship develops.

Just pray that their will be enough healing in her skin and less signs of infection and that she won't have to start on an antibiotics.


kim d said...

Hi Janelle,
Praying it went well for you guys at Children's today. I left a message for you regarding some soup but I just read Todd's blog and it seems you have a stuffed freezer already. Which is amazing, how nice of the staff! Just wanted to try to help out but if you are full just let me know. I will keep praying for your family.
Take care
Kim Dirksen

miksha said...

praying for you guys as you forge a very unknown path. Hope it goes well at Children's. Kourtney, we think you are a wonderful young lady and our hearts ache at the pain you go through each day. May Jesus meet you at those times and be your distraction and comfort. Hope the laughing gas worked...I know I loved it when I used it!

Coco said...

I am humbled and so 'blown away' by God and His awesome provision when I read your blog. Thank you, first of all, for being so open and honest on this journey that is your life. Thanks you!

I am so encouraged by your dedication to your family, faith, and our awesome God.

I am here to help in what ways I can. A coffee, a chat, a walk, a playdate for Shae, please let me know what I can do.